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Rapid City Bookkeeping Services

Bookkeeping services assist you in entering and understanding your financial information and allow you to focus on your business and make informed decisions. Consider bookkeeping services if you need help maintaining organized records, to budget accurately, to focus on strategic planning, and for peace of mind that your business information is current (for tax purposes or decision making needs).

Our bookkeeping areas of expertise:

General Ledger Data Entry

We accurately record business activity including income, expenses, assets, liabilities, bank account balances, loans and credit card balances, and advise on how different methods or levels of detail can assist our client in being able to use the information

Bank & Credit Card Reconciliations

Match business records (balance sheet, general ledger amount, check register, bank or credit card statements) to ensure accurate books, remove duplicate entries, and update missing transactions

Accounts Receivable

Processing and tracking of money owed to the business by its customers for work that’s been completed and outstanding invoices, as well as items that affect A/R such as over and under billings of work-in-process, bad debt, and fixing prior mistakes of recording A/R in the books

Accounts Payable

Processing bills and invoices to pay suppliers and vendors for their goods and services, recording accurate accounts payable balance on the company Balance Sheet, correcting prior entry issues to ensure an accurate and useful tracking of A/P for planning purposes

Payroll Processing

Payroll setup for employees, payroll processing of weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, monthly, or unscheduled payroll, and payroll tax deposits on (for monthly, semi-weekly, or quarterly depositors)

We can advise or process on payroll deductions, pre-tax and post-tax payroll items, payroll fixes, vacation / sick / PTO tracking, bonuses / commissions / tips, and all your payroll needs